The Joys of Living a Poetic Life

Poetry is a threat if there are things in your system that are very hard to face because poetry is about being open and being spiritually, mentally, and emotionally well. A poetic life may mean sacrificing material overabundance, otherwise known as clutter, but you always sacrifice something, and to us, it's worth it.

Poetry is about consciousness and the pleasures of art. Other art forms can provide a bridge to your poetic self, if there are obstacles that need to be overcome. Yoga reestablishes and retrains breathing when parts of your natural self have been suppressed by a civilization that does not find those parts supportive of its values.


Poem: To Cherish January

Cherish January, white and quiet
in the seasons' pause and stillness.
Silently cheer the heart of January,
myriad stars in the chill night sky.
A thousand stars in the resting body
bestow its dreams on you and I.

1 comment:

  1. You are a true Poet - these are beautifully crafted words.



Bing, bling, bungle, bing, loop de loop, chicken coop.



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